BPAN in the objectives of the Finnish Barents Euro-Arctic Council Chairmanship

Minister for Foreign Affairs of Finland Erkki Tuomioja mentioned importance of forest conservation and developing the  protected areas network in the Barents Region in his statement of the objectives of the Finnish Barents Euro-Arctic Council Chairmanship.

“The forest ecosystems in the region are under increased pressure from land-use, exploitation and climate change. This is why the Barents Protected Areas Network project continues to be of high importance.”

The natural values of the Barents Region are becoming more and more visible for the larger audience. In December 2013 the results of the BPAN project will provide new information about the protected area network and recommendations for its development.

Finland took over the chairmanship of the Barents Euro-Arctic Council from Norway on 29 October 2013. Priorities for the two-year chairmanship are economic cooperation, transport and logistics, environment and climate change and youth cooperation.

Barents Euro-Arctic Council meeting in Norway (Photo: Utenriksdepartementet/Gyro)

Barents Euro-Arctic Council meeting in Norway (Photo: Utenriksdepartementet/Gyro)

Finland is also committed enhance cooperation between BEAC and the Arctic Council, the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Northern Dimension, to mention few. These actors are significant also for the future work of the BPAN project.

Related links

Statement by Minister Tuomioja: The Objectives of the Finnish Barents Euro-Arctic Council Chairmanship (Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland)

Finnish Chairmanship of the Barents Euro-Arctic Council (Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland)

Finnish Chairmanship of the Barents Euro-Arctic Council 2013-2015 (brochure)

Barents Euro-Arctic Coucil Joint Communiqué (pdf)