Pudasjärvi, Northern Ostrobothnia (Imagebank of Finland’s environmental administration / Tapio Heikkilä 1997)
Co-operation for nature conservation in North-west Russia, Finnish Environment Institute (syke.fi)
Barents Euro-Arctic Council, Working Group on Environment (WGE) (beac.st)
CBD Programme of Work on Protected Areas and CBD Protected Areas (cbd.int)
IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature and IUCN Protected Areas (iucn.org)
World Database on Protected Areas (protectedplanet.net)
Barents Portal (barentsportal.com)
Natura 2000 viewer (natura2000.eea.europa.eu)
Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna, CAFF (caff.is)
Ramsar Convention on wetland protection (ramsar.org)
Emerald Network of Areas of Special Conservation Interest, Council of Europe (coe.int)